Friday 19 August 2011

My love to Sereni and Shentel Hairband

Dedicated my love to these duo who has made all Borneo gal proud of ourselves. Designing always be my goal for my future career, but always lack of inspiration. Someone has make it happen in Borneo and I think is time for me to chase my dream as well.......

Thursday 14 July 2011

he isn't Your Will

he isn't Your Will, I can't move forward because I can't let go of the past memories, I can't move backward because he doesn't like me anymore....I got no way to go....I got no way to go....!!!!! Can't my Lord help me?? HE can, I know HE can...but where is HE? Where can I find HIM? Delay isn't reject?? I am so trapped!!

Friday 8 July 2011

Pushing the Limit

Recently I have learned a lesson about what's mean by "Pushing the Limit"....

I realized a lot of ppl around me are doing something to push their limitation to the very end. And when they react the end of their limitation, they blamed all on "LIFE". They didn't realize that actually if they can control themselves, try their best to do what they can, they definitely can beat the odd. But they didn't do so. Not only they didn't try their best to give their best shot, they even go further and sabotage their already limited ability.

I sound so abstract here, hard to catch what i mean...let me give an example

If you have admitted to hospital for the failure of your kidney to release the water of your body and have been treated with some medical help, later you have given a mirage that as long as you can control what you eat, you can avoid have to go through dialysis treatment.

Dialysis treatment is so awful, because once you start, you have to continue it for the rest of your life. Your kidney can no longer function itself, but depends on machine!!! For a normal person, or I should say a sensible person would do anything and try their best to control what they eat in order to avoid the possibility of having go through dialysis treatment. Especially you have been advice by doctor over and over again to cut down water and salty food. But some people can be so so irresponsible and insensible that they not only didn't control what they put it into their mouth, moreover they drink more water and usual and eat even more fatty and salty food. WHY....??? I really can't understand!!! They think they can given a second chance to recover on their already in bad conditioned kidney???? That's what I mean by Pushing The Limit....

How can ppl be so so irresponsible to their own health and body!!!! What do they thinking when they was putting those harmful food into their mouth!!! Can't understand.....

Really piss off by their act!!!

Thursday 30 June 2011


All fabulous nail design that I found on YouTube, these ppl are just too creative.....

Please enjoy the following:

This woven design are so so amazing, I have try to mimic it on the fake nail too, didn't success. I blamed it on my too sheer Elianto white nail polish....Would try it again when I get a better white polish...:P

I love this design mainly because of it colorful and unique design....very abstract....but seem quite easy to do it....I haven't try it yet...would do it pretty soon....

This one is pretty easy one....I think it looks great also.....

Animal print is a hot items now....Anyone who is crazy about animal prints, this is for u....I don't like anything too complicated, less is more

This one pretty good design too....

 As I mentioned before, I like simple but elegant design nail design....This laced design seem very clean and elegant...

Monday 13 June 2011

The message is clearer each day

Yes, the message is clearer, the voices is louder, Praise the Lord for His peace within me...

Thursday 9 June 2011

Rest for your souls

Matthew 11 :

At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.

26 Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.

27 “All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  

30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Do you have peace in your heart? 

Why is your heart still worrying, struggling, complaining, depressing?

      Is it because you refuse to take Lord's yoke, learn from His gentle and humble heart? 

HE has promised us to give us peace of mind as long as we rest upon HIM. We should learn from our Lord's, When HE was facing such difficult situation, a bunch of stubborn followers, a unchangeable environment, HE still praise the Lord of Heaven and earth. He said "YES" to all situation and problem that was attacking Him because He rested upon the Lord of heaven and earth. He said  "Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do."

Thank You Jesus to teach me to face my problem in such hopeless circumstance and knowing He is working on me.  


Wednesday 8 June 2011

Another Struggling Day

What's Love?? 

Does he loves me??

Can I still love him?? 

This is the question that I have been asking myself for 7 months. 7 months didn't consider to be a long period, but it isn't a short time if you are waiting. I am waiting, I am still waiting, I feel like all that I can do is waiting.... Most people advice me not to wait, do whatever I can to make things happen. It sounds like a right thing to do and any sensible person would do so. 

Maybe I am not sensible. I have been taught not to depends on myself but my Lord. I have tried to make things happen at past and it all fails. Lord taught me to depends on Him, He would make things happen for me because only Him can give me what He plans to give me. No one know what's the right except my Lord. He has His plan for me and All He wants me to do is WAIT FOR HIM....

Yes, I am struggling. Every single day, I am struggling to believe what the Holy Spirit has told me. For most people even christian, is very difficult for them to believe something that can't be hear, can't be seem, can't be touch, can't be feel. It is call FAITH..

Faith is the most important element when it comes to seek God's will. I have failed thousand times under His trials. Learn to have Faith for me is like a battle war that I need to fight every single day. 

Lord, I am struggling....Pls help me to stand still till I can see Your face and Your works on me...Amen.

Monday 6 June 2011

Wanna tell Jo sth....

How can I tell you I am not mad at you, I AM fact I miss you dearly.....Jo, I miss you....but I can't tell you that....

Do you know how suffer am I not having you in my life for these 7 months....!!! I miss you....When I was traveling last few days, how much I hope you can be there for me. When I was at hotel room, how much I wish you can lie beside me and we talk till fall asleep......I am so devastating....I just can't describe how suffer I have been......

I Misssss You.....Jo

Friday 27 May 2011

Stress Management Diet

Stress management can be a powerful tool for wellness. There’s evidence that too much pressure is not just a mood killer. People who are under constant stress are more vulnerable to everything from colds to high blood pressure and heart disease. Although there are many ways to cope, one strategy is to eat stress-fighting foods. Read on to learn how a stress management diet can help.

Stress-Busting Foods: How They Work

Foods can fight stress in several ways. Comfort foods, like a bowl of warm oatmeal, actually boost levels of serotonin, a calming brain chemical. Other foods can reduce levels of cortisol and adrenaline, stress hormones that take a toll on the body over time. Finally, a nutritious diet can counteract the impact of stress, by shoring up the immune system and lowering blood pressure. Do you know which foods are stress busters?

Complex Carbs

All carbs prompt the brain to make more serotonin. For a steady supply of this feel-good chemical, it’s best to eat complex carbs, which are digested more slowly. Good choices include whole-grain breakfast cereals, breads, and pastas, as well as old-fashioned oatmeal. Complex carbs can also help you feel balanced by stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Simple Carbs

Dieticians usually recommend steering clear of simple carbs, which include sweets and soda. But these foods can provide short-term relief of stress-induced irritability. Simple sugars are digested quickly, leading to a spike in serotonin.


Oranges make the list for their wealth of vitamin C. Studies suggest this vitamin can reduce levels of stress hormones while strengthening the immune system. If you have a particularly stressful event coming up, you may want to consider supplements. In one study, blood pressure and cortisol levels returned to normal more quickly when people took 3,000 milligrams of vitamin C before a stressful task.

Popeye never lets stress get the best of him – maybe it’s all the magnesium in his spinach. Magnesium helps regulate cortisol levels and tends to get depleted when we’re under pressure. Too little magnesium may trigger headaches and fatigue, compounding the effects of stress. One cup of spinach goes a long way toward replenishing magnesium stores. Not a spinach eater? Try some cooked soybeans, or a filet of salmon, also high in magnesium.

Fatty Fish

To keep cortisol and adrenaline in check, make friends with fatty fish. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish like salmon and tuna, can prevent surges in stress hormones and protect against heart disease. For a steady supply, aim to eat three ounces of fatty fish at least twice a week.

Black Tea

Research suggests black tea can help you recover from stressful events more quickly. One study compared people who drank four cups of tea daily for 6 weeks with people who drank a tea-like placebo. The real tea drinkers reported feeling calmer and had lower levels of cortisol after stressful situations. Coffee, on the other hand, can boost levels of cortisol.


Pistachios can soften the impact stress hormones have on the body. Adrenaline raises blood pressure and gets your heart racing when you’re under stress. Eating a handful of pistachios every day can lower blood pressure, so it won’t spike as high when that adrenaline rush comes.


One of the best ways to reduce high blood pressure is to get enough potassium -- and half an avocado has more potassium than a medium-sized banana. In addition, guacamole offers a nutritious alternative when stress has you craving a high-fat treat.

Almonds are chock full of helpful vitamins. There’s vitamin E to bolster the immune system, plus a range of B vitamins, which may make the body more resilient during bouts of stress. To get the benefits, snack on a quarter of a cup every day.

Raw Veggies

Crunchy raw vegetables can fight the effects of stress in a purely mechanical way. Munching celery or carrot sticks helps release a clenched jaw, and that can ward off tension headaches.

Bedtime Snack

Carbs at bedtime can speed the release of serotonin and help you sleep better. Heavy meals before bed can trigger heartburn, so stick to something light like toast and jam.


Another bedtime stress buster is the time-honored glass of warm milk. Researchers have found calcium can reduce muscle spasms and soothe tension, as well as easing anxiety and mood swings linked to PMS. Dieticians typically recommend skim or low-fat milk.

Herbal Supplements

There are many herbal supplements that claim to fight stress. One of the best studied is St. John’s wort, which has shown benefits for people with mild-to-moderate depression. Although more research is needed, the herb also appears to reduce symptoms of anxiety and PMS. There is less data on valerian root, another herb said to have a calming effect.

De-Stress with Exercise

Besides tweaking your diet, one of the best stress-busting strategies is to start exercising. Aerobic exercise is the most effective, because it increases oxygen circulation and produces endorphins -- chemicals that make you feel happy. To get the maximum benefit, aim for 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three to four times a week

Taken from wonderful website:

Wednesday 25 May 2011

complex wednesday

Is Wednesday again, every week of this times, my stomach is full of butterfly. Mixture of feeling -- Should i looking forward for the nite practice?, Should i go to the practice? Would he come for the practice? But most of the time is the FEAR that occupy of the my heart.

To be honest, I hate the feeling of fear....sometimes it would attack without any warning,  just like it is hiding somewhere in the dark corner and ready to haunt u it what they call "anxiety disorders:".

I prayed n prayed, prayed that all of these painful feeling to go away.....But everyday I am ending my day with disappointment, nothing has changed, feeling helpless,  I am still stuck in this uncertainty situation, nothing seem to have any chance to change....!!!!

I keep asking myself:
When can this waiting be totally over? 

When can i start not to feel so terrify again?

How much longer can i stand on this trial?

Would i even gonna get through this??

Lord, I am so frighten, I am so panic.....Can You help me...??

Friday 20 May 2011

Vivid color for summer




This Summer is all about color, color, color, color...not only that, if you haven't have any flower elements (big flower, small flower, colorful flower)  in your wardrobe, u are so OUT......And not just for clothes, even cosmetic packaging are using these elements to welcome the arrival of summer. Chanel, Mac and Shu Uemera are all introducing their products with the new packaging, intend to create another high peak on their summer sales. 
This post isn't about to introduce these new products (because I am not a big cosmetic fans) in fact, is to highlight the trend of stylish fusion of the floral. To celebrate the joy of spring/summer with vivid blossoms of floral, heavenly colors to reveal luxurious blossoms, my frens....Summer is coming....R u ready for it?

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Lord, Help me....

Remember your word to your servant,
for you have given me hope. 
(psalm 119:49)

Tuesday 17 May 2011


Why wouldn't SADNESS let me go?? 

When would SADNESS ever leave me alone??

How am I get rid of SADNESS??

Where can I find a place to throw SADNESS away??

What should I do if SADNESS never wanna go away??

Monday 16 May 2011

Chanel Inspirated Flower Arrange

My sis told me she wants to do some flower arrangement for her annual furniture fair with the touch of Chanel Inspiration. I search through the net and find these lovely pix......(sorry for not giving credit for the pix that I have published here because I just browse through the net without note down the address ...:))