Friday 8 July 2011

Pushing the Limit

Recently I have learned a lesson about what's mean by "Pushing the Limit"....

I realized a lot of ppl around me are doing something to push their limitation to the very end. And when they react the end of their limitation, they blamed all on "LIFE". They didn't realize that actually if they can control themselves, try their best to do what they can, they definitely can beat the odd. But they didn't do so. Not only they didn't try their best to give their best shot, they even go further and sabotage their already limited ability.

I sound so abstract here, hard to catch what i mean...let me give an example

If you have admitted to hospital for the failure of your kidney to release the water of your body and have been treated with some medical help, later you have given a mirage that as long as you can control what you eat, you can avoid have to go through dialysis treatment.

Dialysis treatment is so awful, because once you start, you have to continue it for the rest of your life. Your kidney can no longer function itself, but depends on machine!!! For a normal person, or I should say a sensible person would do anything and try their best to control what they eat in order to avoid the possibility of having go through dialysis treatment. Especially you have been advice by doctor over and over again to cut down water and salty food. But some people can be so so irresponsible and insensible that they not only didn't control what they put it into their mouth, moreover they drink more water and usual and eat even more fatty and salty food. WHY....??? I really can't understand!!! They think they can given a second chance to recover on their already in bad conditioned kidney???? That's what I mean by Pushing The Limit....

How can ppl be so so irresponsible to their own health and body!!!! What do they thinking when they was putting those harmful food into their mouth!!! Can't understand.....

Really piss off by their act!!!

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