Sunday 15 May 2011

A Reason to Do Right

                 Job...fears God and shuns evils. - Job 1:8

We do many things because of fear. We pay rent so we won't be evicted. We carry insurance so an illness or accident doesn't wipe us out financially. We drive within the speed limit so we don't get a ticket. And we try not to sin so God won't punish us - at least according to a couple of my friends. "If I ever thought about cheating on my husband," one said,"God would strike me dead!" Another said, "If I ever stole from company, God would take away everything I own.

Is that what the Bible teaches? Is fear of God a valid motive not to sin? Well, It was for Job. Twice our Scripture reading tells us that he feared God and shunned evil (1:1,8). So we can safely assume that there is a connection between fear and right behavior. But we must understand an important distinction. This "fear" is not a superstitious terror of a fickle god who zaps us the instant we do wrong. Rather, it is deep respect and reverence of God's holy character and awesome power. It is a healthy fear, not only of sin's painful consequences but of sinning against the One who loves us and on whom we depends for our very life. And if we love Him, we will not want to offend Him.

Yes, the fear of God is a good reason to do right.
                   I love you, Lord, and want to do
                   What's pleasing in Your sight;
                   Help me to fear sin's consequence,
                   So I will do what's right.


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