Wednesday 20 December 2023

Goodbye 2023

Near year-end again...2023 about to be over. Has 2023 been a good year for me? 

This year has been a whirlwind. A veritable roller coaster full of twists and turns, ups and downs.
I experienced people with disappointing of late, also cowards who rely on Dutch courage to say what they really mean, then don't have spine enough to follow through with action. They have lacked manners and basic consideration or regard for others. Spreading misleading and deceitful rumors about my company. Well, I am out of these drama and I believe the truth would tell its story one day. Even the truth never been properly disclosure, I believe I can stand strong in front of my God, that's the most important things for me. 

That's why I made a very difficult decision this month. I decide to forgo my HRDF trainer qualification. I really can't bring myself to do somethings that is so forgery. This is a hard decision to made mainly because If this certificate costs me RM2k and 5 days to get it. Which is a big investment of time and money. I can easily forge some PV and attendant list to get it through. Whenever I want to "create" the attendance list, I can't bring myself to write down the name. I guess I must stand strong and have faith to my Lord. 

The decision to move out of Jim Logs is not as hard as this one. Maybe I really have enough of their bullshit and I just want to get out of that curse place. Relying on my faith and having sense of righteousness bring peace and joy to my heart. So I guess this is the best decision that I have made in Year 2023. That's why I said 2023 has been a veritable roller coaster. 

Amidst all this, though, I have the strongest support system here with my family who have poured in love and care, offering support and money especially my mum. I am so grateful for her unconditional love to me. I really count myself as the most blessed child to have a mother who still can cook and care for me in the age of 45. Talk about Gratitude for year 2023.

As the year 2023 comes to a close, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude. Thank you for the lessons learned, the challenges overcome, and the moments of joy and growth. I am grateful for the opportunities that came my way, the relationships that deepened, and the achievements, both big and small. I am filled with immense gratitude for the love, sacrifices and unwavering support from my mum. May the lessons of this year guide me into a brighter and more fulfilling future. Grateful for the journey and excited for what lies ahead." Ending the year by seriously evaluating how and who I spend my time with in 2024. The only way is up.

Friday 15 September 2023

New Phase

 In just 15 days, office renovation has make such a big progress, I can say it is around 50% completion. The partition has up, the entrance wall has demolished, the electric 50% complete, the carpet has arrived, all doors solved... so now only left the aircon installation, finalize furniture, install carpet, the signboard and curtain. Only 2 items which I haven't found any quotation is signboard and curtain. But the most headache one is furniture. Let me show some picture here for the sake of recording the me memory as well as new phase of LC & Co,

Tuesday 29 August 2023

Go with your guts


In my last blog, I mentioned the next time I log in here I hope I have some good news to share. Well, I got a big new to share, but I am not sure is it a good new or bad news. LC is moving out of Jim logs soon. I read back the last blog; it reminds me again how struggle I was when I deal with that asshole Julie. I think when I wrote my last blog, they were still at Switzerland. The thing got better because she didn't look for me after her trip and we totally lost contact. She chooses to distance me because she doesn't want me to handle her account already. But she doesn't have the guts to tell me that, so she chooses to distance me and not contact with me anymore. 

I don't know whether it is the real reason, or she heard something from Sally about me telling Sally the situation of her business. But no matter what, I think it is the best for all of us. I really hate that she always sounds like I worked for her when we have conversation with relatives. Like she would say she won't pay me the fee if ....blab blab blab.....someting like that. Of course, she was joking but to be honest, she did pay me so even though I didn't technically work for her, I still earn the money from her which I hate it.

So now after some considering I decided to take a big step, that's find my own office and move out of Jim Logs. Now I can totally break away from them forever. Yes I have been complaining about the sisters keep sitting in my office and I really have no freedom to do my own stuff. Like I drew my bullet journal, I did some craft in the office. I really have complained about it for quite some time. So now It finally happening. 

These few months I have lost few thousands due to losing the accounting fee from her. But Thanks God I also found some new clients. I really angry at myself for being inexperience at account. On 8th Aug, I went to MH office but I gave the wrong advice to Edward. Gosh...whenever I though abt this matter, I felt pain inside me. I really angry with myself for not checking the details before I gave them the info. I should have stay cool and tell them I check first and get back to them.  

Until now I can only tell it to this blog. I can't bring it out for anyone around me. I was so stressful last few months. I didn't sleep well and always woke up in the middle of the night. Think of the best way to get out of this situation. It is going to be a big challenge for me. 

I think next week the office can start renovation. Meaning I need to pull out my retirement saving for the renovation. Well, no choice......I need to move on. Until now I haven't told my family about it. I don't know when I would tell them. But I know what kind of reaction I would get from them, just like 8 years ago when I decide to leave BLD, I think I just have to go with my guts!!

Yes, LC is going to get better and better. With the grace of Lord, LC can survive for 8 years, God is going to bless LC for another 8 years...... and more 8 years to come.


Thursday 22 June 2023

Tiring 2023


2023 has been dreadful. Beginning of the year I still quite happy and content. Dunno start from which month I just start to felt so annoying about everything around me especially at work. The main reason definitely is Ju. She is pain in the arse, asshole. Biggest liar and most stupid woman I ever meet. Anyway long story short, I am not going to go through all these drama with her anymore. She wants to play game, let her play herself. I am so tiring to deal with all her stupid idiom plot that she created. She thought she is so smart and can manipulate people around. Go ahead with the game, I am out of it. 

So my next problem is to find new clients to replace the income that I have losses. Well, instead of being so unhappy and uneasy around her, I rather choose to go a bumpy road and build up my career again. Although is not going to be easy and that's a lot of new challenge I need to face, but sooner or later I definitely need to face this issue. So rather start my own plan first before she has any action against me. 

Next month I am going to KL for checking again. Mum has been sick and seeing doctor whole half year. This is another tiring matter that have been dreading me. But nowadays as in these few days, she feel a lot better, Thanks God for that. Peter and Judy are going well also. Mum has been doting Judy and this is something so sweet to see. This morning I saw her talking to Judy telling her she got painful leg but Judy ran away. She was angry and saying Judy didn't like her. so sweet to see mum spoiling Judy. 

So this year I am going to choose course training as my new career direction. I know is a new thing to me and is going to be tiring. But I need to try it first. I must choose other career path other than account. Because my firm is not a audit firm and is difficult to convince client to let me do their account in a monthly basic. But I need monthly income to survive. If only do the sole proprietor or partnership tax once a year, how to survive?

Anyway that's all from me now. Hopefully next time when I log in, I have some good news to share.