Friday 31 May 2024

5 months into Year 2024

 5 months into year 2024, what has been happening so far?

Jan 24:  I travelled to Macao with my 2 friends. Although the trip was quite short as we only stay at Macao for full 3 days. Despite some ridiculous things that ah ma did that irritate me, overall I quite enjoy Macao. Not very crowd, the weather was so nice...unexpected cold which I liked a lot. Not much shopping but spend a fortune at Lululemon. I definitely recommended Macao for others to travel to. After this trip, I think I have started to cold shoulder ah ma from that onwards till today as at 31st May 2024. I have been giving her grossed out look even since. She was embarrassing us by wearing no sleeves dress at the weather of 6 degrees while ppl there were wearing puffer jacket at street. Just because she wants to save luggage money!! No words can describe how I felt about her ridiculous behavior. 

Feb 24 : Travel to KK for "guo da li" for Jeremy and Chloe. CNY was at 9th Feb, this year my deco theme is "Rattan". And I prepared a hotel food heater lights to heat my satay, only Jenny and her 3 daughters came visit other than my sibling family. I didn't take any photo of myself for CNY, total failure. Chap Goh Meh was held at Sara's house.

Mar 24: Jeremy and Chloe weddings was on 16th Mar and their Tawau meeting was held on 8th Mar, So the whole family traveled to Tawau in Mar, which is so fun. 

Also start from dunno when, going for red wine has been a routine for me and pau. And I start to enjoy a little tipsy after one bottle of wine. So even since we have been going to Wine trading almost every Thu or Fri. 

Apr 24: I travelled to KK again for solo trip. Why? no reason, just want to have a little getaway for being alone. Do I enjoy it? ok solo really not my things because I am not adventure enough. Travel alone always ended up just stay in the hotel room and I wouldn't go explore the city at all. Lucky the hotel that I booked "Mercure Hotel" was near Gaya street, which got some very unique store around. At least I didn't just go the Imago mall after being there for thousand times. 

Love this stationery such a happy vibe inside the store.

May 24: We are planning to bring mum to KL on Jun, which bring me joy, at least I got some thing to looking forward to. Also start from 18th Mar, I have been going to MHDR for meeting. So these few months I have been meeting Edward and Ricky so often. Bye for now.

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Ultimate Goal

Recently I heard from Youtuber Ali Abdaal that we needs to set our ultimate life goal and plan ahead how to achieve this goal. So when I though about this, I come to a conclusion that my ultimate goal actually is retire with RM1.8m money. This is that one ultimate goal which I am pursuing every single day. Tbh this is really what I am pursuing every day. So meaning as long as I got RM1.8m money in my bank, then i can quit and close the LC. 

Actually is it hard to have RM1.8m in the bank? Yes...that's why I need to work till 65yo in order to have this money. Why I need RM1.8m? Well....Estimate I would need RM6k / per month to have a comfortable life. So by RM6k x 12 x 25 =RM1.8m. So by interest of 4% p.a., I can earn RM6k with my RM1.8m deposit. I only hope I can sustain LC for another 20 years. I knew this "Ultimate Goal" would eventually be "Arrival Fallacy". At this moment, at this time, all I want is no need to worry about money or work. I can just live my everyday life with ease and peace. No rushing, No worry, No one bothering me....

Ali said "The journey is the destination. If you can figure out what you authentically want, and work towards it while enjoying the journey, that’s all that really matters in the end."

One week into new year 2024, how's life so far? I have been working hard on my digital planner now, and didn't lying on my couch during evenings time. This is one of my goal for 2024 which is fully utilize the 3-4 hours before bed time to do somethings meaningful. I also got to spend more time at home these few weeks. Pau got covid which is so good that she stop bothering me and ask me out for drink. Three of us are going to Macao next sat. The trip hasn't start but I have started to feel irritating already. The whole trip ended up just me and ah ma travelling along. If she so reluctant to travel with us, might as well tell it to our face. After enemy with Julie, I can't travel with the cousin anymore. Then I hope I can travel with these 2. But End up being an unpleasant experience again. Hai.....Look like I need to travel by myself already which is too sad. My Travelling dream might not come true when I retire.