Wednesday 20 December 2023

Goodbye 2023

Near year-end again...2023 about to be over. Has 2023 been a good year for me? 

This year has been a whirlwind. A veritable roller coaster full of twists and turns, ups and downs.
I experienced people with disappointing of late, also cowards who rely on Dutch courage to say what they really mean, then don't have spine enough to follow through with action. They have lacked manners and basic consideration or regard for others. Spreading misleading and deceitful rumors about my company. Well, I am out of these drama and I believe the truth would tell its story one day. Even the truth never been properly disclosure, I believe I can stand strong in front of my God, that's the most important things for me. 

That's why I made a very difficult decision this month. I decide to forgo my HRDF trainer qualification. I really can't bring myself to do somethings that is so forgery. This is a hard decision to made mainly because If this certificate costs me RM2k and 5 days to get it. Which is a big investment of time and money. I can easily forge some PV and attendant list to get it through. Whenever I want to "create" the attendance list, I can't bring myself to write down the name. I guess I must stand strong and have faith to my Lord. 

The decision to move out of Jim Logs is not as hard as this one. Maybe I really have enough of their bullshit and I just want to get out of that curse place. Relying on my faith and having sense of righteousness bring peace and joy to my heart. So I guess this is the best decision that I have made in Year 2023. That's why I said 2023 has been a veritable roller coaster. 

Amidst all this, though, I have the strongest support system here with my family who have poured in love and care, offering support and money especially my mum. I am so grateful for her unconditional love to me. I really count myself as the most blessed child to have a mother who still can cook and care for me in the age of 45. Talk about Gratitude for year 2023.

As the year 2023 comes to a close, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude. Thank you for the lessons learned, the challenges overcome, and the moments of joy and growth. I am grateful for the opportunities that came my way, the relationships that deepened, and the achievements, both big and small. I am filled with immense gratitude for the love, sacrifices and unwavering support from my mum. May the lessons of this year guide me into a brighter and more fulfilling future. Grateful for the journey and excited for what lies ahead." Ending the year by seriously evaluating how and who I spend my time with in 2024. The only way is up.