Tuesday 30 November 2021

Interesting November 2021

November - the month I never pay attention to. Because It is before December, so usually this is the month I always planning for the coming Christmas or New year events. But This year 2021, November has been different. Not special, just Different.

This month I was so so busy with work. Because I just accepted a job from Meritz to do their SST submission. I haven't accept new job for quite some time. This one has been challenging, but after getting it complete is satisfy. Not because the money I can earn from it, but no one has really guide me through and I have figured it all out by myself. That is worth a pat on the shoulder. 

Second, I attended Annual Methodist Conference on Zoom. Well... nothing special about it, just a note to my diary here.

Thirdly, last week, I met edward at office coincidental.  I hasn't meet him for 3 years already....He still very sweet and nice towards me. But he is a nice guy to everyone so it is nothing. 2 years ago, one day out of the blue, I thought to myself "eh......Edward can be my future partner in life". He is the type of man that I would be attract to. I really don't know where did I get the ideas from, this thought just pop out from my mind. From that day onward I was imaging it is quite nice to be around him and spend time with him etc. Well.....after I have that thought, I never met him again until last week. Is not like I fall in love with him, but i just thought it can be something to consider.

And such a coincidental, Joseph called me on the day I met Edward. He was back in miri. He want to meet me. But because I have to attend conference, I only met him till Friday. You know what... this lunch meeting has been the shortest meeting we had. We always talked like 3-4 hours if we haven't met for quite some time. But that day, I don't know why we got nothing to talk at all. 

Maybe because my mind was on my Meritz SST submission thus I wasn't in mood to chit chat. Or maybe the chemistry between us has gone. Everything he said isn't sound interesting to me anymore, not only it is not interesting, it sort of annoyed me. I am not into anything he did and said anymore. Isn't it strange? When your affection towards someone has gone, it gone. 

My whole mind is about edward. Well....compare to the old times, my feeling towards love has been declining. Enable to meet someone and care for you for life is such a wishful thinking. Although most of the couples around me they has been together for 30,40 50 years and still care so much for each other. But you know, it is not a norm. Many many couples break up, divorce, separate.... so stay together for life is not a norm.  

Today is the last day of November, and November has been interesting....

Hello December, treat me well...see you soon.....