Thursday 30 September 2021

Update on life

 Helloo...September 2021,

Has been a hectic month because of 2 weddings. Finally got it over and now I am welcoming 2022 to come. Another 3 months to go before 2022 arrive. I am going to do a overview of 2021 soon as I have already listed out all the things that I have archived this year. 

He called me on 9th Sept after the wedding of Casa. We talked for almost a hour. Nothing sweet, nothing strong feeling, really just like 2 friends catching up with each other. I think this conversation went better than the one we have on Apr 2021. I called him on Apr and ask him about account. That call ended up quite uncomfortable because I felt like I have been boosting myself the whole time. Anyway good or bad call doesn't really matter to me anymore. 

Next month is his birthday month. In 2020 I met him during Oct but we only meet at The Maker for coffee only. Wah...Why am I remembering all this time with him when I really have no feeling for him at all?? That's how boring my life.

Pau video called me from Solomon today and told me she has flirt with a young man (26yo)...She said is not a flirt but I think it is. And, this flirt make her anxiety attack. Luckily that young man went back home and no longer at Solomon. Just to record it down here so maybe when I looked back few years times it would seem interesting to me.

This month of 20th was my Baby Peter and Judy 3rd birthday. Judy wasn't feeling very well and I suspect is the toothache. Peter is doing fine and as naughty as before. They are really so sweet. This morning I took picture of mum's graduation and both of them lying near us just to watch it. They really are so clingy to me and I love them so so much. I always wondering whether they can feel my love for them? Peter and Judy, please be long live and stay longer with me for the coming years.........

I am very into seeking my soul recently and wanting to try new things to calm my mind and soul and also seek inside myself so I can have a better understanding about myself. The main reason to do so is for the purpose of improving myself in the coming years to come. This year when I was checking my goal that I set at the beginning of the year, I realize by listing out and also do the planning can really make me easier to archive my goal. Most important is to clear out all the wrong decision that I previously make and correct it. If I keep ignore it, my life and financial can never improve. So setting goal is really important and also do the planning early.

Started this month I have bought a new online software call Sweet Home 3D to improve my home plan drawing. My goodness, by looking back the house plan that I did previously I should start to use this earlier. Let me show you my new home plan: 

This software is really cool and not expensive to own. This is not monthly subscription to pay, is a one time payment. Although it is not many furniture accessories to choose from, but is good enough for me. But I am not sure after 10 years I would have financial ready for make this renovation. I am trying not to exaggerate the whole design, try to make it as simple and less changes as possible. But there is a lot of hidden area which I would have overlook.